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Как пройти топ гир в форза хорайзен 4

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Теперь не нужно искать фотошоп, платить за услуги редактирования. В интернете это можно сделать самому и бесплатно. Онлайн фото-редактор поможет оригинально, качественно обработать необходимую фотографию.

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Редактор активно пользуются тысячи посетителей. Мы периодически совершенствуем функции редактора, делаем их эффективнее, увлекательнее, не сложнее в пользовании.

Редактор – многофункциональный редактор, где для обработки фотографий онлайн можно выбрать: разнообразные наклейки; текстуру; тексты; ретушь; оригинальные рамки; с эффектами; коллажи и др.

Редактирование фотографий абсолютно бесплатно, также можно бесплатно пользоваться этим фото в будущем.

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Фотография – один из видов искусства. Сам процесс фотографирования простой, но он способен зафиксировать сложные моменты – красивое, хрупкое и быстротечное мгновенье. Это непросто передать с помощью обычных рисунков. Какого бы качества не были фото, редактор iPhotor преобразит даже самое обычные, снятые мобильным или простым фотоаппаратом.

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Фотография лучше всего способна передать то, о чем вам хотелось рассказать людям. Фоторедактор iPhotor поможет поделиться с близкими впечатлениями, чувствами, отразит ваше вдохновение.

Возможности Редактора онлайн

Изменение размера, поворот, обрезка

Это самые востребованные операции в фото — редакторе, позволяющие вращать на 90 градусов снимок влево, вправо, по вертикали, горизонтали. Обработка делается оперативно и легко. Для обрезки выбираются границы обрезания фото.

Данное меню позволяет регулировать яркость, ретушь лица, коррекцию теней, светлых участков фото и т.п. Здесь также можно изменить оттенок, насыщенность, увеличить резкость картинок. Изменяя настройки каждого инструмента, можно наблюдать за изменениями в режиме онлайн.

Текст, стикеры, рамки

Графический редактор iPhotor позволяет создавать модные картинки, с прикольными стикерами, оригинальными фото рамками, текстовыми подписями.

Фото — эффекты, фото фильтры

С помощью редактора iPhotor можно бесплатно превратить цветное изображение в черно-белое, или наоборот, сделать виньетирование, наложение фото на фото, эффект пикселизации.

Воспользуйтесь уникальными возможностями фото — редактора онлайн прямо сейчас, сделайте вашу жизнь в реальности и на фото ярче!

Онлайн редактор приукрасит самые дорогие моменты вашей жизни!

Forza Horizon 4 получила кроссовер с Top Gear в новом DLC

Microsoft анонсировала дополнение Top Gear и уже выпустила его бесплатно. DLC включает в себя множество новых транспортных средств и несколько косметических опций.

Дополнение содержит 7 новых глав для истории. Вы сможете прокатиться на 1999 Lotus Elise, такси Austin, модифицированном ребятами из Top Gear Mercedes-Benz E-AT, 65 Mini Cooper, Porsche 911 GT2 RS, G65 6×6 AMG и на крутом тракторе Track-tor c 500 лошадиными силами.

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После прохождения новых глав истории в награду вы получите E-AT Mercedes Benz и Track-tor, а также рубашку ‘I am The Stig’ и белый комбинезон для вашего водителя.

forza удивляет кол-вом контента, я не знаю даже смогу ли пройти ее всю хд)) времени нет столько

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SamRus34 За один полный день можно пройти все сюжетные гонки + истории. А если не парится, то за 3 дня максимум. А вот собрать весь автопарк из всех доступных в игре авто — на это уйдет очень много времени. Одну «fxx e» будешь на ауке искать полгода или выпрашивать на форуме, покупая потом за баснословные деньги.

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SamRus34 Я играю в FH4 с ноября прошлого года почти каждый день по много часов. До сих пор не прошёл всё настолько, насколько это вообще возможно. insel260 Все гонки и истории на всех картах, если проходить их на первом месте/на 3 звезды, занимают где-то недели полторы-две. Насчёт автопарка: да, реально долго, а ведь ещё есть машины за предзаказ. Попробуй их ещё все собери! А ещё ведь есть открываемая одежда для человечков и прочий подобный хлам. Мне, как перфекционисту, очень тяжко даётся эта задачка, до сих пор не открыл и собрал всё, что только можно, а ведь уже 8 месяцев активной игры у меня прошло. И ещё, небось, столько же пройдёт.

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Top Gear Horizon Story: Forza Horizon 4 Wiki And Guide

Last updated on December 21, 2019 by Alvin Lau

Top Gear is the latest Horizon Story in the ever popular Forza Horizon 4 and it’s a special edition for sure.

Almost everyone who loves cars would have heard of Top Gear or watched their videos on YouTube.

This time, they’re appearing in Forza Horizon 4 and it comes with seven different chapters.

Here’s a brief wiki / guide on the Top Gear story in Forza Horizon 4.

How to begin the Top Gear story

This story is only accessible in the main map of Great Britain. If you’re currently at the Lego DLC, you have to get back here.

You should see the Top Gear symbol in the map. It’s south of Lakehurst Forest and southwest of Moorhead Wind Farm.

You can just fast travel here and begin the story.

This story is made up of 7 chapters.

Chapter 1: Welcome To The Festival

Description: The Horizon Festival is in the UK this year, and Top Gear presenter Chris Harris and The Stig are there to see what it’s all about.

  • 1 star = 4 mins
  • 2 stars = 3 mins
  • 3 stars = 1 min 40 secs

This chapter begins immediately after starting the story. You have to maintain your speed above 90 mph all the way to the destination.

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The key to winning this race with 3 stars is to use a separate route. Right from where you spawn, you should see a turning to the left immediately (image below).

You will have to go across the water but you still have enough time to hit 90 mph at the beginning since you’re given more than 20 secs at first.

Use the fastest route you see on the map and you should reach in time.

Chapter 2: Faster Than 87.2

Description: The Stig takes on the Top Gear Track-Tor, a 500 BHP racing tractor, and Chris Harris wants his car back.

  • 1 star = 87 mph
  • 2 stars = 120 mph
  • 3 stars = 124 mph

For this chapter, you need to park at the destination without exceeding the damage limit. This is not the real test yet.

Just get there before the time is up.

The actual challenge is to use the TG Track-Tor and hit the maximum speed at the speed trap. This one’s really straightforward.

Chapter 3: The Austin F Extreme

Description: The Stig finds out what happens when you put a racing V12 in a taxi, and Chris Harris changes the rules.

  • 1 star = 2 mins
  • 2 stars = 1 min 20 secs
  • 3 stars = 1 min 14 secs

In this chapter, you’ll have to use Isha’s Taxi at first to get to the destination, and you just need to reach before the time is up.

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The actual mission is using the cab and racing to the destination on sand. There’s a big twist, where you have to actually race back to where you started from.

Before reaching the first destination, brake as you need to u-turn and get back to the starting line as fast as possible. This cab is really hard to control as well.

Chapter 4: All The Off-Road You Can E-At

Description: The Stig goes up and down some hills, and Chris Harris looks for badgers.

  • 1 star = 7 mins
  • 2 stars = 6 mins
  • 3 stars = 5 mins 10 secs

This mission is one of the toughest for me. You need to get to the destination and there’s a twist where you actually need to finish somewhere much further away.

The time limit of 5 mins 10 secs wasn’t enough for me.

Your first stop is at the mountain. You can just go straight up.

Ignore the route given and just drive all the way up the mountain.

After reaching the first stop, the actual finishing stop is shown in the map below. It’s much further away.

Chapter 5: As Grown-Up As You Feel

Description: The Stig squeezes into the original rapid run-about, and Chris Harris waxes lyrical about the most British car ever (designed by a man from Greece).

  • 1 star = 50,000 points
  • 2 stars = 175,000 points
  • 3 stars = 220,000 points
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For chapter 5, you’re given a Mini to drive and you have to race to the destination, but it doesn’t matter when you reach as long as you’re within 9 mins.

The actual challenge is to accumulate skill points and you’ll be placed in a skill park.

Just do some combos and you should reach at least 1 star (50k skill points).

Chapter 6: Edinburgh Afternoon Drive

Description: The Stig tries to outrun the bells, while Chris Harris avoids parking wardens.

  • 1 star = 4 mins
  • 2 stars = 3 mins 40 secs
  • 3 stars = 3 mins 25 secs

For the sixth chapter, you’re given a Porsche to drive. This one is a town driving and there are multiple stops.

After parking at each stop, you need to proceed to the next and you don’t have much time.

You don’t need to park at a standstill. Just slow down as you approach the stop.

Keep repeating the same thing. There may be more than 6 stops in this chapter.

Finally, you’ll get a prompt saying ‘park at the final destination’.

Chapter 7: One More Thing

Description: The Stig takes up trucking, and Chris Harris reveals a bit of a fan favorite.

  • 1 star = 3 mins 20 secs
  • 2 stars = 3 mins 10 secs
  • 3 stars = 2 mins 15 secs

For the last chapter, you’re given a truck at first. You just need to reach the destination within 4 mins.

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The actual race is this. You will be given a Mercedes G 63 6×6 for this off-road race.

For this race, you don’t need to follow the route given. Just get to the checkpoint as fast as possible.

The final destination is at the windmill area.

And that’s all for the 7 chapters of Top Gear.

What you can unlock from Top Gear

Here’s a list of the things you will unlock as you progress in your tier. If you get 3 stars, you will unlock 1 full tier.

  • Tier 1 – Thread unlocked
  • Tier 2 – Dialog unlocked
  • Tier 3 – New t-shirt “I Am The Stig Tee”
  • Tier 4 – Mercedes E 350 D
  • Tier 5 – TG Track-Tor
  • Tier 6 – The Stig Race Suit
  • Tier 7 – Mercedes G 63 6×6

The Top Gear Horizon Special

The Top Gear Horizon Special



Tier 10 Reward
Epic M-B G 63 6X6

The Top Gear Horizon Special, also known as Top Gear: The Horizon Special, is a Horizon Story consisting of seven chapters introduced with Update 11. This is the most recent Horizon Story to be added to the game.

The story shows a fictionalized version of the British factual television show Top Gear, presented by a fictionalized version of Chris Harris and The Stig, their «tame racing driver». The player assumes control of The Stig, and puts Stig through various driving challenges.

Earning twelve stars in the Horizon Story awards the player with the Mercedes-Benz E 350 D 4MATIC Terrain «Project E-AT», earning fifteen awards the player with the Top Gear Track-Tor and earning all twenty-one awards the player with the Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6×6.


  • 1 Chapters
    • 1.1 Welcome to the Festival
    • 1.2 Faster than 87.2
    • 1.3 The Austin F-Extreme
    • 1.4 All the Off-road you can E-AT
    • 1.5 As Grown-Up as You Feel
    • 1.6 Edinburgh Afternoon Drive
    • 1.7 One More Thing
  • 2 Trivia


Welcome to the Festival

  • Car(s) used: Lotus Elise Series 1 Sport 190

As the Top Gear intro plays, Chris Harris introduces the player to whatever challenges The Stig will be partaking in in the special.

A Lotus Elise is shown racing down the side of the Derwent Reservoir, and Harris introduces the viewers to The Stig; «Top Gear’s very own UFO (Unidentified Fast Object)». Taking control of the car, Stig is supposed to race to the festival while staying above 90 mph (145 km/h) within a certain time; during the drive, Harris comments on Stig’s driving. On arriving at the festival, Harris gushes about the Series 1 Elise’s performance and asks the viewers if there was any doubt in Stig getting to the festival.

  • 3 stars: 1 min 40 s
  • 2 stars: 3 min
  • 1 star: 4 min

Faster than 87.2

  • Car(s) used: Track-Tor

Stig is standing with a BMW 1 Series M Coupe in the background, with Harris narrating, only for him to later realize that the 1 Series M Coupe was actually his car. The Stig is then instructed to park the 1M at a spot on the M68; as Stig drives down, Harris narrates, giving performance statistics about the 1M and complaining that it would be dirty after the drive as he had just cleaned the car.

After reaching the highway, Stig gets into the Track-Tor and is instructed by Harris to clock at least 87.2 mph (140 km/h) on the speed trap on the M68; Harris smugly claims that the Track-Tor has been officially clocked at 87.2 mph. As Stig drives down the M68, Harris narrates about the drive in usual Top Gear fashion. After triggering the speed trap, Harris is amazed as they had set «a new tractor speed record» and hints at what they are going to do next.

  • 3 stars: 124 mph (200 km/h)
  • 2 stars: 120 mph (193 kmh)
  • 1 star: 87 mph (140 km/h)

The Austin F-Extreme

  • Car(s) used: Austin FX4 Taxi (Horizon Stories)

Stig is standing aloof in usual Top Gear fashion, with an Austin FX4 Taxi in the background. Harris tells the viewers that he had called a local taxi company and is amazed at how fast the taxi is, although he wonders how fast that taxi could actually go; he then asks the owner of the company to see if he could borrow the taxi for some time and instructs Stig to drive down to Bamburgh Beach.

On arriving at Bamburgh Beach, Harris explains that he wanted to see how fast the taxi could be on a beach, similar to an olden-days drag strip. As Stig blasts down the dragstrip in his V12-powered taxi, Harris says that land speed record rules dictate that the car must be involved in two timed runs, one in each direction; Stig swiftly turns the taxi around and races back to the starting point, where Harris gushes about the taxi.

  • 3 stars: 1 min 14 s
  • 2 stars: 1 min 20 s
  • 1 star: 2 min

All the Off-road you can E-AT

  • Car(s) used: Project E-AT

Harris is introducing a highly modified Mercedes-Benz E 350 D dubbed the «Project E-AT» in usual Top Gear fashion while Stig stands aloof in the foreground. Stig then gets into the Project E-AT for the challenge set out to him.

Harris explains that the Project E-AT is going to demonstrate its off-roading capability with a specially laid out route, and instructs Stig to head to Glen Rannoch. On arrival at Glen Rannoch, Stig is instructed to make his way to Arthur’s Seat and to do so quickly as time is running out. Throughout the entire drive, Harris commentates on the performance and specifications of the Project E-AT in usual Top Gear fashion. On arrival at Arthur’s Seat, Harris quizzically wonders who Arthur was or why his seat was so big, but quickly hints to the next challenge.

  • 3 stars: 5 min 10 s
  • 2 stars: 6 min
  • 1 star: 7 min

As Grown-Up as You Feel

  • Car(s) used: MINI Cooper S

Harris is introducing a highly modified Mini Cooper in usual Top Gear fashion with Stig standing aloof in the foreground. He quizzically remarks that no other car could be more British than this, as it was built in Birmingham and designed by «a man from Greece». He follows this up with saying it was designed for cities, but because this was a widebody Mini Cooper, they needed the Stig’s help. Stig is then instructed to drive to the Greendale Airstrip. On the drive to the airfield, Harris talks about the Cooper in usual Top Gear fashion, going through its history and racing pedigree.

On arriving at the Greendale Airstrip, Harris explains that he is excited about this event, and leaves the Stig to do what Stig does. Stig has some 2 minutes and 30 seconds to achieve a certain amount of skill points, with Harris commenting on Stig’s progress at certain milestones. When time runs out, Harris hints about the next challenge.

  • 3 stars: 220,000 points
  • 2 stars: 175,000 points
  • 1 star: 50,000 points

Edinburgh Afternoon Drive

  • Car(s) used: 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS

Harris is introducing a Porsche 911 GT2 RS in usual Top Gear fashion at Edinburgh Castle with Stig standing aloof in the foreground. He says that the Stig would be their tour guide around Edinburgh, but quizzically remarks that Stig is the «world’s worst Scotsman», being allergic to tartan and petrified of bagpipes.

After getting into the Porsche, Harris comes up with a challenge: to try and visit all the clock towers in Edinburgh and get back to Edinburgh Castle «before they all stop ringing». Stig obeys orders and does as told. As Stig navigates the Porsche down tight Edinburgh alleyways, Harris waxes lyrical about its performance and other statistics in usual Top Gear fashion. Stig manages to make it back to Edinburgh Castle just in time and parks the Porsche in a specified location after being told by Harris to «go hard on those carbon ceramic brakes».

  • 3 stars: 3 min 25 s
  • 2 stars: 3 min 40 s
  • 1 star: 4 min

One More Thing

  • Car(s) used: a flatbed truck , Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6×6

Stig is standing aloof in the foreground while Harris tells the viewers that he’d finish the series with «a fans’ favorite»; said «fan favorite» is sitting on the back of a flatbed truck with a black tarp draped over it, with Harris reluctant to reveal what the car is, telling the viewers they’d need to wait until it was moved into position. Stig is then instructed to move said vehicle to the Mudkickers’ Adventure Park on the back of the flatbed truck, where it would be revealed. As the Stig drives the flatbed truck, Harris somehow manages to talk about the truck’s specifications and performance in typical Top Gear style.

On arriving at Mudkickers’, the fan favorite vehicle is revealed to be a Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG 6×6, with dramatic camera shots and Harris’s dramatic narration about the car’s performance and statistics. As Harris continues his narration of the Mercedes-Benz, the Stig sets about a complicated course to showcase the G 63’s off-roading capability. Jumping over mud piles and cutting across soil, the Stig makes his way to the end of the course at the Moorhead Wind Farm. On arrival, Harris tells the Stig to have a day off, although he is not sure exactly what the Stig does on day offs; he then signs off the special in typical Top Gear style.

  • 3 stars: 2 min 15 s
  • 2 stars: 3 min 10 s
  • 1 star: 3 min 20 s
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